Monday, May 16, 2016

Blog #12

     Now that I have written my interview reflection, Dayeesha and I will be working on our TED talk. We are creating a power point so while giving our presentation we can have a visual aspect showing to the class. In our power point on Wednesday we will be including what our plan was, what is a vegetarian, what is the difference between a vegetarian and a vegan, if the vegetarian diet is automatically the healthiest way to eat, our personal challenges, and our final results.
     Our project has had its ups and downs but the overall experience was great. I got to learn how people who are vegetarians go to great lengths to continue eating the way they do and continue to eat healthy. This project really opened my eyes to many new things.

Blog #11

     Now that I interviewed Taylor, I will now write a refection on the interview. I will describe how the interview went and what types of things I learned from it. I will give my perspective of what questions I've found more useful in the presentation and I will give the answers that Taylor stated for a couple of the questions.
     In the reflection I will also provide explanations on why Taylor gave the answers she gave and provide facts under those answers.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Interview Reflection

          Interview Refection

         As of April 1st, Dayeesha and I have decided to start having a vegetarian diet. A vegetarian is a person who does not eat meat, and other animal products, especially for moral, religious, or health reasons. We went to the store to see what kinds of things we could eat to help us succeed with our task of becoming a vegetarian.
           Taylor is the one who gave us our inspiration on trying to be a vegetarian for a month. Last year in AP English, Taylor gave us a little presentation on what it was like to be a vegetarian and how it has changed her life. Dayeesha and I were amazed by how much it bettered her lifestyle and wanted to try and take on the tasks our self.
          A couple weeks ago Dayeesha and I came up with questions to ask Taylor about having a vegetarian lifestyle. These interview questions helped us on our blog to show the viewers a more in depth look on how being a vegetarian changes peoples lives drastically. One of our interview questions was "why did you give up meat?" This question is the most common question to ask someone who has given up meat. When asking Taylor this question she answered with, "I gave up meat because I started volunteering with animals more and I realized the harmful effects of meat production on the environment." when land is used to raise animals instead of crops, precious water and soil are lost, trees are cut down to make land for grazing or factory-farm sheds, and untreated animal waste pollutes rivers and streams. In fact, it has such a devastating effect on all aspects of our environment that the Union of Concerned Scientists lists meat-eating as the second-biggest environmental hazard facing the Earth. (
      Another question I found to have to be very beneficial to the interview is "What was your diet like before you became a vegetarian, and how has becoming a vegetarian helped your life?" Taylor answered with, "Before I became a vegetarian I ate meat almost everyday and I didn't really pay attention to what I was eating. I probably didn't eat enough fruits or vegetables. Now I have a lot more energy than I did when I ate meat, I'm a lot more aware of what I am putting into my body and overall I just feel healthier. Interviewing Taylor had helped me understand more why people do become vegetarians and why most people should become vegetarians if they are already not.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Blog #10

       Dayeesha and I have interviewed Taylor on how having a vegetarian lifestyle has changed and effected her. We found out some very interesting things such as the foods that give you the most protein in a vegetarian diet. These foods are lentils, tofu, quinoa, black beans, oatmeal, pumpkin, chia seeds, chickpeas, peanut butter, and protein shakes. I haven't tried a lot of these foods but I am looking forward to it!
       During the interview Taylor also told us that she gave up meat because she started volunteering with animals more and she realized the harmful effects of the meat production on the environment. I know that being a vegetarian can be very difficult so applaud Taylor and the actions she has taken to not give up on what she loves to do.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Interview Questions/Answers

 Interview Questions/Answers


1. Why did you decide to give up meat?
2. How has becoming a vegetarian helped your life? (provide examples)
3. What was your diet like before becoming a vegetarian?
4. What was the worst thing about becoming a vegetarian?
5. What types of things do you eat as a vegetarian?
6. Where do you get your protein from?
7. What are your favorite/worst things you've eaten?
8. Is cheese and fish vegetarian?
9. Have you ever second guessed being a vegetarian?
10. Do you have any family or friends that are also vegetarians?
11. How do people react when you tell them you're a vegetarian?

1. I gave up meat because I started volunteering with animals more and I realized the harmful effects on the meat production on the environment.
2. I have a lot more energy than I did when I ate meat, I'm a lot more aware of what I am putting into my body and overall I just feel healthier.
3. Before I became a vegetarian I ate meat almost everyday and I didn't really pay attention to what I was eating. I probably didn't eat enough fruits and vegetables.
4. There wasn't really a worst thing because it made me a lot happier and healthier so I don't know.
5. I eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, I eat a lot of soy based meat substitutes. Tofu is also a big part of my diet.
6. I get my protein from lentils, tofu, quinoa, black beans, oatmeal, pumpkin, chia seeds, chickpeas, peanut butter, and protein shakes.
7. My favorite thing I have eaten is chickpea curry, the worst thing I have eaten was probably overcooked tofu.
8. Cheese is vegetarian, although it is not vegan. Fish is not vegetarian, when you exclude all meat except for fish you're a pescatarian although some argue fish is vegetarian.
9. No I haven't.
10. No, all my friends and family eat meat.
11. People are usually surprised and ask me why I would do that to myself or tell me I'm missing out.

Monday, May 2, 2016

blog #9

         Before the month of April started I got all the necessary foods that I needed in order to become a vegetarian. Now that April is here  I have been eating a lot of knew foods. My favorite vegetarian dish is the lasagna. It very tasty, and by using the lower fat ricotta and part skim mozzarella, calories were lowered.
          Throughout the month of April I have had a couple of  cheat days but for the most part I have stuck to my diet. My body is becoming more strong and I am feeling way more healthier.